Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Quantum Physics + Crystals + Radionics + Runes = Protection
Once upon a time, not too long ago, we only needed physical protection from robbers, theives, muggers etc. A good dead bolt on a strong door with a big dog sleeping on the floor was all we needed.
Now the intrusions, the dangers that come into our homes are not physical; they come silently through the air.
This modern electronic age has created a deadly monster called D.O.R. (deadly Orgone). Wilhelm Reich coined this phrase when he worked on creating Orgone (Life - force) over the deserts to create rain. He called good life-force, natural life - force, Orgone.
Orgone is called Chi, Elan Vital, Prana, Galama etc. It is the energy that keeps every thing alive and moving on the planet.
DOR, or deadly Orgone is man made pollution. It is very detrimental to the health of all Organic life on the Planet.
It inundates your home, by coming right through your walls. It inundates every cell of your body, causing illness and dis-ease, by busting right through your protective Aura.
DOR enters your home and body via the TV; the computer; the microwave oven; power lines; harp towers; and cell phones all give off harmful vibrations.
The world is so full of Anger, Hate, Sex, and Greed they too inundate your home. Negative emotions are man-made DOR.
The good new is that you can free your home from DOR and block it from coming in. You can use the modern tools of Quantum Physics and the Laws of Radionics combined with the ancient Sciences of Runes and Crystals to block DOR.
Let's first define our terms and then build us a simple Radionics Matrix to use to block DOR.
The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. It responds to our thoughts and our symbols.
Crystals are as old as the planet. They are energy sources of Good Prana and can be programed with a thought or a wish and used as a power source for a simple radionics matirx.
Runes are universal creative energies that exist in the Quantum Ocean and respond to physical Runic symbols.
A Radionics Device is a simple device tha takes your thought and/or wish into the Quantum Ocean and attracts like energy out of it.
You can buy a $5,000. electronic device or you can make your own for almost nothing. A Radionics Device has three working principles; a power souce; a plate (space)
For your wish and a plate (space) for your Target.
Let's build a simple Radionics Matrix.
Take an 8 1/2 " x 12" piece of cardboard. Inscribe a 6" circle in the middle. Inscribe an equilateral triangle within the circle. Connect the midpoints of the centers of the three equal legs. You now have a sacred geometrical Matrix, drawn by you on cardboard. A cirle and 4 equilateral triangles. It will work as well as the $5,000. electronic device.
The Rune Thorn (Thurisaz) is the symbol for the universal creative energy of Protection. It is a defensive Rune and will protect your home, as well as the thorn bushes around Sleeping Beauty's castle walls protected her.
Place the Thorn Rune (make one if you do not have one. Draw it on paper.) In the lower left equilateral triangle. This is your Plate for you wish (protection).
Place the crystal in the upper equilateral triangle. It's vibrations will act as a power source.
In the right hand lower equilateral Triangle, place a photo of your home. If you do not have one then write the full address of your home and place it there.
Now, hold your hands over your Radionic Matrix. Take a deep breath and intone:
"I am now attracting the protective energies of the Rune Thorn out of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God, into my Matrix where it will surround my home with protective energy and block all negative DOR energies NOW!"
This uses the science of mental Radionics.
Put your Matrix away leaving the crystal, wish and target in place. Hide it from prying eyes.
Simple? The Laws of the Creator God are simple. Man complicates them.
How long will protection take to manifest? It all depends on how much DOR producing electronics you have in an near your home to block the effects of the Matrix.
BE PATIENT and soon you will experience the well-being that a DOR free home produces.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at:
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Runes and Orgone Generators
Create Health-Now using Runes and Orgone Generator Technology.
Do you realize that we Northern European peoples discovered the Runes, Laws of Quantum Physics, Radionics and Orgone Technology.
These are all very powerful tools for creation.
Runes are Universal Creative Energies which we can use to attract health, wealth, love and protection into our lives.
They have been around thousand of years before the Vikings hit the raiding trail>
They were not originally made for divination nor for writing. They are tools of creation.
I am a Swede and I love my culture and ancestry. I do not want to see it lost in this chaotic sea of political correctness. I want to try and keep it around for my grand children.
Therefore it is my belief that we need to update the runes and the gods/goddesses of our ancestors and bring them into the 21st century with these tools.
Simply stated an Orgone Ond Generator is
A simple Radionics Device
All Radionics Devices consist of three principles:
A POWER SOURCE (orgone generator)
A TREATMENT (Wish, Prayer, Desire, Symbol)
A TARGET (PHOTO, Where do you want the energy to go?)
Wilhelm Reich
The word orgone originated with Wilhelm Reich.
It is the term he used for life-force.
The construction of an Orgone Ond Generator consists of equal amounts of an organic (resin) and non-organic (metal) substances shaped in a mold into one of the sacred geometry forms.
Whatever symbols or substances you place in or on the bottom of an Orgone Ond Generator will be attracted out of the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) and sent into the Target (you.)
The interaction of the different energies (push-pull) creates orgone (life-force.)
Life-force sustains all life on this planet.
The Orgone Ond Generator also acts to clean up the DOR from your environment.
It works similar to the way a tree works by pulling BAD AIR out of the environment and replacing it, through the process of photosynthesis, with oxygen.
We must stop cutting down our trees.
DOR is the term that Wilhelm Reich coined to describe deadly orgone.
DOR is detrimental to all living entities on this planet.
DOR is created by EMF power lines, computers, cell and elf towers, chemtrails, phone and phone lines, ovens. Even negative thoughts and emotions are a form of DOR.
OND is the term I use for my Orgone Generators for it is the Viking word for Life-Force.
Simply Stated: Quantum Physics says:
* Thoughts are creative energies.
* The Universe (Quantum Ocean, MIND OF GOD) uses your thoughts to create your world (reality.)
* Therefore you create your own reality with your thoughts.
* Your present reality of health, wealth and love was created by you.
* To change your reality change your thoughts.
* There is no time in the Quantum Ocean where all energies exist.
* All your prayers, wishes and desires exist there NOW!
* Go get them!
* No past, present nor future. Only the now.
* Therefore you can fulfill your prayers, wishes and desires now.
* Just learn to strengthen and prolong your thoughts.
* That is what this web page is about.
* Learn to think about what you want not what you do not want.
I repeat, I repeat, I repeat because repetition is heaven's first law.
Attract Health-Rune Uraz
Simply stated Runes are:
* Universal Creative Energies
* Each Rune is a separate key to a set of energies within the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God.)
* When you meditate or look or breathe in runic symbol you are touching it with your mind.
* This same runic symbol exists in the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God.)
* So, when you connect with the rune on the physical plane, at that same moment your mind connects with the runic energies in the Quantum Ocean.
* There is no time nor space in the Quantum Ocean.
* The runes exist in the Quantum Ocean.
* You exist in the Quantum Ocean.
* Look and an instantaneous connection is made.
* The difference is that when you look at the runes on the physical plane you are looking at a runic symbol on paper.
* When you connect with the runic symbol in the Quantum Ocean, you are connecting to runic energy.
* The runic energy in the Quantum Ocean will pour into your aura, your symbolic energy field and becomes part of your reality.
* Each Rune has an energy packet attached to it with several different but similar energies.
* The major keywords of the runes tell us what the different but similar energies in the Quantum Ocean packets are.
By placing the Rune Uraz on the bottom of the Orgone Ond Generator I have made it the Treatment.
It will connect to the Rune Uraz Energies in the Quantum Ocean Mind of God and project it into the Rune Uraz in the bottom of the physical Orgone Ond Generator, as well as into the Photo (Target) placed under the Generator.
When you mediate, look or breathe in the Rune URAZ you make contact with its energies in the Quantum Ocean.
The energy of Rune URAZ Health enters your aura (energy field.)
From your aura (energy field) it manifests into your world (reality.)
This means that the Runic URAZ Health energy in your aura.
Once inside your Aura it will start the healing processes from within.
How Can You Do This?
Learn to use the "I AM RUNE MEDITATION"
Rune Uraz Health
Hold the Orgone Ond Generator with the Rune URAZ in your hands while sitting comfortably.
Use the Laws of Quantum Physics to strengthen and prolong your thoughts.
Since there is no time in the Quantum Ocean, only the now.
As you are looking at Rune URAZ think and say aloud:
Don't wait for the future. The Quantum Ocean only deals in the now.
This will instantly pour the Rune Uraz health energies into your aura
from the Quantum Ocean.
The Health energies will start to flow now.
The only thing that will slow it up will be the energy blockages you have against Health in your aura.
We all have these blockages to some extent, else we would all be Healthy now.
But be assured the flow of Rune Uraz Health Energies will continue to flow into your aura until the blockages are dissolved.
To Add More Power To Your "I Am Rune Meditations", to increase power and shorten time you can use an Orgone Generator or a Radionics device.
I have shared with you Rune URAZ "I Am Meditation", but you can use it for any of the 18 runes. Just choose one of the keywords to concentrate on.
Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at